
    Saturday Bits & Bytes | 032324

    Marilynne Robinson on Biblical Interpretation, Calvinist Thought, and Religion in America (Ep. 207)

    On the continuing denigration of John Calvin:

    The cure, of course, is to read Calvin, which no one does, and the reason no one does is because they think they know what they’ll find. It’s very self-perpetuating from that point of view when a negative reputation is established.

    Once you get a reputation it is hard to shake. And you’re rarely in control of the reputation you get.

    This is especially true if you’re challenging the status quo.

    5 charts on how third-party cookie deprecation will change ad buys

    eMarketer chart showing the Average Budget Allocation Across Data Types for Targeting in 2024 According to US Advertisers, Nov 2023 (% of budget) with contextual data number one and first-party data number two, combining for 55%.

    AI will turbocharge contextual targeting of all kinds.
    Demographics are dead (& generations are garbage).

    Microsoft Buying Ads On Google Search To Drive More Searches On Bing

    When you click on the ad in Google Search, you are taken to the Bing Search results for that query.

    I kind of love this strategy.

    TikTok’s algorithm has always been a black box. But researchers are finally figuring it out

    According to the study’s findings, between 30% and 50% of the first 1,000 videos TikTok users encounter are exploiting their past interests. Recommended videos are driven by a number of factors, most importantly whether the user liked a similar video, as well as who they follow on the platform. Fewer seem to be driven by the percentage of the video a user watched.

    different users have very different experiences and/or are sort of treated differently by the algorithm

    The algorithm is evolving. The importance of watch time may be diminishing as the pool of data deepens.

    The one constant with any of the platform algorithms is that they change.

    Spotify Is Launching New Ad Studio Product

    Powered by a model which analyzes behavioral signals, Podcast Streams takes campaigns beyond standard targeting to reach engaged audiences who are more likely to listen to podcasts.

    Limited to podcasts…for now?

    I expect to see more targeting options like this across platforms as AI becomes further ingrained.

    Post by @dsqt
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    Friday Bits & Bytes | 032224

    Evolving Google Analytics for more insightful measurement

    To make it easier to compare these actions across platforms, we are aligning how conversions are defined across Google Ads and Analytics to give you a consistent view of your Google advertising performance. With that, we are introducing key events in Google Analytics that will replace what currently exists as conversions for behavioral analytics.

    Say what? A “conversion” in GA4 was not measured the same as a “conversion” in Google Ads, which is…confusing.

    Now (or soon, it’s still rolling out) in GA4, what had been called “conversions” are now “key events”. Conversions will appear in the Advertising reports section and match what is in Google Ads.

    From Google:

    • Event = measure specific interactions or occurrences on your website or app
    • Key Event = measure an event that you mark as important to your business
    • Conversion = measure performance of your ad campaigns and optimize bidding

    If you want to know more, this video is the best resource on it I’ve seen from Google so far.

    How to write a landing page that converts

    Purchase Rate = Desire - (Labor + Confusion)

    To increase the purchase rate, increase the visitor’s desire to purchase while decreasing their labor (effort) and confusion

    translate features into the value they’ll get from using it. And proactively handle any objections they might have.

    Provide no-brainer value and make it easy.

    Copywriting Friday: What part of France are you from?

    To increase conversions, we need to understand and remove the objections that are stopping qualified prospects.

    Look for these three types of objections: obvious, embarrassing, and assumed. Then use your best salespeople to help you craft the strongest counter-objections.
    Think about your services or processes: Which of them might you combine into a named system that implies the work is being done for your customer?

    I’m looking forward to using the “Objection/Counter-Objection” method in a project soon.

    Concrete language boosts sales.
    from the Nudge newsletter

    a visual with a Nike shoe stating that concrete language that can be visualized boosts sales. “Trainers” vs “lime green Nike trainers”. The latter boosting purchase intent 30%.

    Specific, tangible language significantly increases customer satisfaction and spending.

    Use clear, concrete language.

    Easy to understand. Hard to confuse.

    February Marks a Turnaround for Existing Home Sales

    Sick of waiting for the Federal Reserve to make a move, home buyers and sellers seem to be accepting the market for what it is.

    In February, contracts closed on roughly 4.4 million existing homes, an increase of 9.5% from the month prior
    The median existing-home sales price elevated to $384,500, the eighth consecutive month of year-over-year price gains. However, the sales prices across all US homes jumped only 0.6% from January to February, which resembles pre-pandemic trends

    Changes in the housing market can have far reaching ripples.

    Monday Marketing Links | 031824

    Cookie Deprecation is Coming - Should Advertisers be Worried?

    Apple blocked third party cookies for 100% of traffic back in 2020, and most brands see almost half of their traffic from Safari (!!!) So that impact has already been felt for a while now.

    as long as you’re using ad platforms platforms (Google, Meta, TikTok, Email/SMS) and aren’t super reliant on display networks, there likely won’t be a major impact.

    building out a CDP, beefing up first-party data capture, etc. Those are considered best practices anyway, and will become even more beneficial with all of the privacy changes on the horizon and beyond.

    Cookies crumbled a while ago, Chrome phasing out third-party cookies is just the final nail in the crumb filled coffin.

    Survey: Retailers should focus on loyalty, brand awareness

    The vast majority of retailers believe that their customer experience is at or better than their peers, but new data says otherwise.

    The top three strategic outcomes experienced retailers should be focused on, according to IDC and SAP, are improving customer loyalty (59%), improving brand awareness (50%), and empowering employees with the right data and tools (43%) to improve the customer experience.

    Everyone thinks they’re above average, but that’s not how average works. And there’s usually room for improvement regardless.

    Customer experience is a moat. The better the experience, the bigger the moat.

    Big Tech accounts for nearly two-thirds of the US digital ad market

    Big Tech (Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft) will attract nearly two-thirds of US digital ad dollars this year

    That’s more than double its share since we began tracking it in 2008.

    LinkedIn plans to add gaming to its platform

    boost the time people are spending on the platform, the company is breaking into a totally new area: gaming.

    tapping into the same wave of puzzle-mania that helped simple games like Wordle find viral success

    one idea LinkedIn appears to be experimenting with involves player scores being organised by places of work, with companies getting “ranked” by those scores.

    Taking a page out of the old Facebook playbook and reinventing Solitaire for the browser-first workforce.

    Money Stuff: Slorg is Sorry He Burnt Slerf

    Basically the way crypto works is that a guy named Slorg makes up a token named Slerf, which is distinguished from other tokens by having a cartoon sloth logo. You send $10 million of Solana crypto tokens to Slorg, and he makes a note to himself that he owes you some Slerfs. Then he accidentally flushes that note down the toilet and, due to the irreversible nature of the blockchain, you get no Slerfs and your money is permanently gone, though Slorg is very sorry.

    And now we know how crypto works!

    mistake was very good for attention, and attention is the true value of any memecoin. So the obvious thing happened and the new tokens that were released shot up around 5,000%.

    Friday Marketing Links | 031524

    1. TikTok’s potential U.S. ban stirs marketers, spurs contingency planning

    Meta could capture between 22.5% and 27.5% of TikTok’s U.S. ad revenues in the event of a ban.

    YouTube stands to gain an additional $1.24 billion to $1.53 billion, with $410 million to $500 million of TikTok’s ad revenues redirected to Google’s display and search businesses

    One of the early thought exercises I was given at Blue Ion was: what happens if Meta was shut down tomorrow?

    It’s a good question to occasionally ask about any important distribution channels.

    1. Apple Buys Canadian AI Startup as It Races to Add Features

    DarwinAI has developed AI technology for visually inspecting components during the manufacturing process and serves customers in a range of industries. But one of its core technologies is making artificial intelligence systems smaller and faster. That work that could be helpful to Apple, which is focused on running AI on devices rather than entirely in the cloud.

    Apple was launching Vision Pro while the rest of the Valley Giants were pivoting to AI. But the benefit of a massive bank account is the ability to buy whatever you want.

    Apple has also been really secretive about their AI plans, claiming “disclosure of strategic plans and initiatives harmful to our competitive position and would be premature in this developing area.”

    Apple is at the forefront of ambient computing, and on-device AI will be a key component. Plus, Apple is the only one of the giants that isn’t really a cloud company and is most definitely a hardware company.

    1. Report Finds No Correlation Between Social Media Engagement and Content Readership

    Social media apps are gradually becoming more valued as entertainment sources, while actual interaction shifts to smaller, enclosed chats and communities.

    Notice how all the platforms focus on “discovery.”

    Across all the articles and topics we analyzed, we found no clear connection between social engagement and actual readers of the news.

    Understand vanity metrics vs. brand metrics vs. performance metrics.

    1. Podcast Frenzy Report

    podcasting is taking over traditional media consumption time, with respondents reporting 28% of them watch less TV and 24% browse social media less often. Gen Z podcast discovery is a mix of methods. 46% of Gen Z respondents rely on social media recommendations, and 33% of younger Gen Z browse top charts and “best of” podcast lists.

    Audio! Audio! Audio!

    1. What We Learned About Creative From Analyzing $3M in Podcast Media by Caroline Culbertson

    Findings include midrolls outperforming both pre-rolls and post-rolls for placement. A quiet value-add for host-read contracts is hosts tend to go over their contracted ad length. Right Side Up found the sweet spot for “60 second” host-read ad performance was host-read creatives that landed between one to three minutes.

    Podcasts foster parasocial relationships which gives host-read ads some extra oomph in the persuasion department.

    1. The bad ad ecosystem: Here’s what the research says

    five types of bad ads, each varying in harm for the marketer: malicious ads, spoofed ads, scam ads, heavy ads and miscategorized ads.

    The easiest thing is [ad buys] are cheap. [Bad ad creators] don’t wanna spend a ton of money on it. So they proliferate in places with really low CPMs

    marketers should work on making good ads. Ensuring the proper ads for the right environments is key, along with keeping on top of creative

    1. Layoffs could be coming as debt-laden firms navigate the pain of higher rates, economists say

    Higher rates spell trouble for US companies with near-term debt maturities.

    Rate changes and inflation measures are the important indicators this year.

    Are the algorithms starting to turn on generative AI?

    Google has updated Search to derank spam including:

    • Scaled content abuse (aka made by AI)
    • Site reputation abuse (junk third-party content on quality sites)
    • Expired domain abuse (grabbing an expired domain and starting a spam farm)

    The goal is to:

    better understand if webpages are unhelpful, have a poor user experience or feel like they were created for search engines instead of people. This could include sites created primarily to match very specific search queries.

    This change actually has teeth too, with plenty of manual actions.

    Another Podcast’s episode Google Gemini and AI bias unpacks the weights and training data stuff I briefly mentioned yesterday.

    Hidden patterns in data and models as bias amplifiers.

    Also the excellent quote “the fake is in the caption,” because what is a prompt but a caption for a future image?

    Quick Hit Google Bits

    Google Analytics 4 launches new trend detection insight

    trend change detection focuses on slower changes happening over a longer time. This gives users a detailed view of data changes, making it a useful tool to spot both quick and long-term trends.

    GA4 is introducing two dedicated spaces – one for marketers to track and analyze campaigns, and another for behavioral insights.

    • The Reports section provides insights into how users engage with your websites and apps so you can improve your product and user experience.
    • The Advertising section will become the hub to monitor and analyze your campaigns whether you’re a publisher or an advertiser.

    Reddit signs AI content licensing deal with Google

    reportedly paying Reddit $60 million per year to train its artificial intelligence models (e.g., Gemini).

    OG journo-blogger Matt Welch on legacy media, like the Village Voice & LA Times:

    Never could adapt to the new reality. It’s a success curse.

    When you’re making that much money, you’re that powerful, the people who work for you—including yourselves—are not going to solve the industry once the industry turns and changes.

    This is not just a media problem.

    Same could be said of Google right now.

    How do you change when the change threatens your business model?

    Walmart is in talks to acquire Vizio, which sells a popular line of value-priced smart TVs that include an ad-supported free streaming service


    could make Walmart a significant player in the connected-TV advertising business, competing with the likes of Roku, Amazon and Google/YouTube

    via Variety

    When users say “platform,” we mean software (increasingly cloud-based).

    When platforms say “platform,” they mean hardware.

    Every major ad platform wants a hardware platform of their own. For that sweet, sweet first-party data & to not be beholden to someone else (especially a competitor).

    I’m turning into a Google bear 🐻

    An antitrust trial this fall

    Shedding services

    Competition from OpenAI: Develops Web Search Product in Challenge to Google

    Arc Search getting buzz (I’ve used it & can easily see this being a glimpse of search’s future)

    & now Nvidia passes Google’s market cap

    Earlier this month I asked if Google was now Microsoft.

    Magic 8 ball says “Signs point to yes” 🎱

    via Inside:

    A U.S. federal judge has scheduled an antitrust trial against Google for Sept. 9, 2024. The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit targets the search giant’s alleged monopoly over online advertising.

    If, like Microsoft, Big G limits/unwinds development to avoid more antitrust actions, we may have seen the last of Google as portal to the Internet.

    & yes, it’s an existing trend that is accelerating.

    & yes, Microsoft pulled a phoenix so it’s not necessarily The End.

    The cookie has crumbled and the replacement isn’t out of the oven yet. At least in the short term, ad platforms are turning to Enhanced Conversions.

    A Google rep recommended this to me to avoid losing signal after Chrome sunsets them for good this summer.

    From Microsoft:

    With Enhanced conversions, you can supplement existing conversion measurements by using privacy-safe customer first-party data, such as email and phone number.

    Sounds like the digital ad market is doing just fine

    Meta’s fourth-quarter ad sales jumped 24% from a year earlier to $38.7 billion, while Amazon’s booming ad unit rose 27% to $14.7 billion. Meanwhile Alphabet, still the market leader, saw its Google ad business rise 11% to $65.5 billion, boosted by 16% growth at YouTube.

    via CNBC

    Seemed like Google wanted to be a platform for everything you might need to do on the web. (Which meant more vectors for data collection to fuel the revenue generator: ads.)

    Now it is starting to replace Big G products with third-party integrations (Search cache, A/B testing).

    Is it now Microsoft?

    Google Search’s cache links are officially being retired

    Google claims it’s less necessary now that internet reliability has improved.

    Google is a cloud computing company. One with a robust PR department that likes to make everything a societal positive. One that needs to find profit, fast.

    How do you increase cloud capacity without increasing hardware costs? You delete a bunch of stuff taking up space. Like Search cache. Or Universal Analytics data (148 days until deletion).

    What will fill this space?

    I’m sure some will be whatever paying customers put there. It mostly, AI.

    If you want to glimpse the future of search, don’t look to Google.

    Asked: Test or beta?

    Answered: Google has now rolled out campaign level headlines and descriptions.

    You can now have the option to associate up to three headlines and two descriptions at the campaign level. “If you need to show these assets during a specific time period, such as a sale, you’ll be able to schedule specific start and end dates for them.


    • Single headline responsive search ads
    • Changes to account-level automated assets

    Create Google search ads, with AI!

    The conversational experience enables advertisers to generate relevant ad content, including creative and keywords, from a website URL.

    You may have heard the Google Ads rule of thumb that you need 30 conversions before changing your bid strategy to Maximize Conversions. That’s not entirely true.

    Max conversions can work on fewer than that. Target CPA or Target ROAS on the other hand, wait for 30.

    per a Google Ads rep

    Test or beta? Who knows, but hopefully it’s a toy we all get.

    Google is toying with campaign-level headlines and descriptions.

    This is all “as seen on LinkedIn,” but looks like you can add up to 3 headlines & 2 descriptions to an entire campaign and set on-off dates. Perfect for promos.

    A screenshot of Google Ads showing the campaign-level headline setup
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