Cookie Deprecation is Coming - Should Advertisers be Worried?

Apple blocked third party cookies for 100% of traffic back in 2020, and most brands see almost half of their traffic from Safari (!!!) So that impact has already been felt for a while now.

as long as you’re using ad platforms platforms (Google, Meta, TikTok, Email/SMS) and aren’t super reliant on display networks, there likely won’t be a major impact.

building out a CDP, beefing up first-party data capture, etc. Those are considered best practices anyway, and will become even more beneficial with all of the privacy changes on the horizon and beyond.

Cookies crumbled a while ago, Chrome phasing out third-party cookies is just the final nail in the crumb filled coffin.

Survey: Retailers should focus on loyalty, brand awareness

The vast majority of retailers believe that their customer experience is at or better than their peers, but new data says otherwise.

The top three strategic outcomes experienced retailers should be focused on, according to IDC and SAP, are improving customer loyalty (59%), improving brand awareness (50%), and empowering employees with the right data and tools (43%) to improve the customer experience.

Everyone thinks they’re above average, but that’s not how average works. And there’s usually room for improvement regardless.

Customer experience is a moat. The better the experience, the bigger the moat.

Big Tech accounts for nearly two-thirds of the US digital ad market

Big Tech (Amazon, Apple, Google, Meta, and Microsoft) will attract nearly two-thirds of US digital ad dollars this year

That’s more than double its share since we began tracking it in 2008.

LinkedIn plans to add gaming to its platform

boost the time people are spending on the platform, the company is breaking into a totally new area: gaming.

tapping into the same wave of puzzle-mania that helped simple games like Wordle find viral success

one idea LinkedIn appears to be experimenting with involves player scores being organised by places of work, with companies getting “ranked” by those scores.

Taking a page out of the old Facebook playbook and reinventing Solitaire for the browser-first workforce.

Money Stuff: Slorg is Sorry He Burnt Slerf

Basically the way crypto works is that a guy named Slorg makes up a token named Slerf, which is distinguished from other tokens by having a cartoon sloth logo. You send $10 million of Solana crypto tokens to Slorg, and he makes a note to himself that he owes you some Slerfs. Then he accidentally flushes that note down the toilet and, due to the irreversible nature of the blockchain, you get no Slerfs and your money is permanently gone, though Slorg is very sorry.

And now we know how crypto works!

mistake was very good for attention, and attention is the true value of any memecoin. So the obvious thing happened and the new tokens that were released shot up around 5,000%.