Ad Market Expands 10.4% In February

bar chart showing year-over-year ad market growth since Feb 23. A growth trend starts in Sept 23 ending in Feb 24 doubling the growth of Jan.

The U.S. ad market expanded at its greatest rate in nearly two years in February – increasing 10.4% over February 2023

February also was the 11th consecutive month to post growth, providing a further indication that the U.S. ad economy is well out of recession.

This should mean good news for the economy as a whole too.

It also explains those CPM and CPC increases I’ve been noticing.

YouTube Warns Channels Against Deleting Videos

Well that’s an interesting tidbit. & is this a “normal” algorithm thing? Or; does it map across platforms?

How consumers find new brands and products on social media, marketplaces, and brick-and-mortar retail in 5 charts

Instead of putting all 5 charts here, just click the link.