Are you a serial killer or an assassin?

(In terms of marketing. Hopefully you’re neither in the legit sense of the words.)

Serials have a style. A formula of target, method, materials, taunting, tactics. A thing or series of things that become recognizable with time—a signature.

Assassins are the opposite. They don’t seek to stand out, they want to blend in—become invisible. Adept at a number of methods, tactics, and materials. Indifferent to their targets. (Absolutely no taunting.)

Razzle dazzle vs. camouflage

In marketing, serials are the personality-driven marketers. They are the brand, are hired to work for a brand highly aligned with their personality, or are hired to repeat previous results with a new brand (like the guy from Crocs getting hired by Stanley). Serials get work based on their signature.

Assassins are the process-driven marketers. They get work based on their flexibility and adaptability—the ability to tackle different assignments in different ways.

Cockatoos vs chameleons

One isn’t better than the other. But when you figure out which one you are, look for jobs that align.

Because you don’t send a serial to do an assassin’s job.

And you probably don’t want an assassin with flair.

Don’t spend your time trying to change to fit the situation. Spend your time finding the situation that fits you.