Recent Replies

  • Replying to: @ladyhope

    @ladyhope it feels like a change has to be coming for search indexes and SEO

  • Replying to: @ladyhope

    @ladyhope have you tried NetNewsWire? Their docs say they have accessibility via AppKit. I think for web syncing you have to set it up on a server though.

  • Replying to:

    @manton it kind of feels like Teenage Engineering noticed this gap and decided to make a business out of it

  • Replying to: @ladyhope

    @ladyhope I desperately needed this function the other day when trying to recover a webpage for a client and couldn’t find it. The site was too new to be in any of the other archives either. This is one of the things I like about, it’ll send all your new posts to the Internet Archive by default.

    (I was able to recover the page thanks to a weird quirk of the site platform they use.)

  • Replying to: @ladyhope

    @ladyhope I only use Google to check stuff for clients (typically when they reference where they’re ranking or need Maps help) or if I just want to see what the search results page is looking like.

    I also still miss Google Reader (despite liking the other RSS tools I’ve discovered just fine).