
    It's A Metric!: First Time Impression Ratio

    Today’s metric is one I just learned about: First Time Impression Ratio (FTIR)

    According to Meta, FTIR is:

    The percentage of your daily impressions that comes from people seeing your ad set for the first time.

    FTIR = Reach / Impressions

    The lower your FTIR, the higher your frequency.

    This matters because you can’t survive on “moment of conversion” traffic alone. Such a small sliver of any platform’s user base is in-market for your given offer at any one moment that you should run campaigns to gain brand awareness (this is why you need both brand and performance marketing (and yes, smaller budgets can put these considerations on hold)).

    Attention is gold.

    A member of the Foxwell Digital community uncovered an interesting FTIR trend:

    a dramatic decline from approximately 60-70% to 10-25% over the past 6-12 months [as of March 2024].

    This drop suggests a saturation point where the same audiences are being reached repeatedly, leading to what can be termed as ‘audience fatigue,’ rather than just ad fatigue.

    The root causes identified include a lack of creative differentiation, reduced influencer marketing budgets, and underinvestment in emerging platforms

    A metric on its own isn’t very helpful, but First Time Impression Rate + Frequency could be a useful combo in your budget allocation and performance analysis arsenal when auditing your social accounts.

    the first time impression ratio formula of reach divided by impressions over a yellow outline emoji eye background